
Group: DynoMotion Message: 12717 From: lmp582002 Date: 1/18/2016
Subject: Single point threading
Does anybody have any experience lathe single point cutting with the kflop and a VFD. I know the analog input on a VFD is not particularly accurate. Would an encoder on the spindle allow the kflop to make corrections for actual speeds? I have an older lathe with a large three phase motor on it. Hoping to have some good results.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 12718 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 1/18/2016
Subject: Re: Single point threading
Hi Scott,

That should work if you add an encoder on the Spindle.  The method is that the XZ motion is driven by and follows the measured position of the Spindle.  So precise Spindle speed and position control is not critical.


On 1/18/2016 8:00 PM, lmp582002@... [DynoMotion] wrote:

Does anybody have any experience lathe single point cutting with the kflop and a VFD. I know the analog input on a VFD is not particularly accurate. Would an encoder on the spindle allow the kflop to make corrections for actual speeds? I have an older lathe with a large three phase motor on it. Hoping to have some good results.

